Just a little crack to brighten up your day. :D Right when Belial entered, Hastur was in the middle of accusing the Metatron of stealing cookies from the cookie jar (didn't get that bit, sorry XD). And then insanity ensued. Watch as the Metatron tries to deal with two demons at once.
Added by Hermione-mun: This log was posted to Harry's private journal. I figured it should also be added here. Harry's typist has, of course, labelled this as "mun only", so I will repeat that label here. Happy reading, kids
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So, to summarize, Mulciber is talking to Rodolphus about Narcissa and Bellatrix, while Feanor speaks with his wife and adopted son, who is being helped by Yavanna. Then…Bellatrix shows up...and stuff happens.
Another Rodolphus/Bellatrix log. In which he admits to his infidelities...with Peril Mulciber...and Antonin Dolohov...and Evan Rosier. My God, is there a DE he hasn't slept with?
Probably should have posted this before the other logs, but oh well. This is from the night before the "Bella Returns!" log. He was the most angsty he's ever been here, and it just kinda spilled over into last night.